
Jean was a respected member of the community. She worked for the YMCA when it was housed in Vista. She started the Vista Soccer Club and the Senior Men's Softball League and ran the popular Culture Caravan Program. She was in charge of the 4th of July Celebration for years. She headed up the Recreation Division in Vista.

Jean was active in the Vista Methodist Church, Rancho Buena Vista Adobe (served as treasurer for years), and Vista Soroptimist. She was involved with educating the public about human trafficking and had been in charge of the Crop Walk.
Jean founded Operation Hope and served as the volunteer CEO.

Jean was a person who knew how to get things done and made a significant difference in Vista. She was given three days in her honor by the City Council and received a special award from the Mayor at the State of the City luncheon for her leadership as CEO of Operation Hope.

She also received the Soroptimist highest honor. She also received a national award from the Methodist Church.
She spearheaded a million-dollar capital fundraising campaign to purchase a permanent building for Operation Hope. Under her leadership all of the homeless women and families that were housed at Operation Hope during the winter of 2011 were placed in permanent housing.

Jean was the kind of person who quietly behind the scenes made a positive impact to the community of Vista. Jean lived in Vista for over 40 years. Jean was also a member of the Moonlight Angels.