By Jack Larimer

On Wednesday, April 10th, the Vista Chamber of Commerce held their monthly mixer at the museum. Sixty five chamber members and friends attended. During the mixer which is intended for local businesspeople to interact with each other, the museum was opened and staffed by several volunteers. Many people took advantage to go through the museum.

There was also an outside display of what we offered as a wedding venue put together by Opal and Tony Sierra of This & That Events who is in charge of putting weddings on at the museum. All told the evening was a success.

Many thanks to the society volunteers who did everything from staffing the museum, getting the refreshments, setting up and taking down, and helping the visitors. Our volunteers were: Sharon Larimer, Terry Moxley, Spike Harvey, John Aguilera, Carol Herrera, Carlotta Malone, Eleanor Hutchins, and Anita Hutchins. Many thanks also to the Vista Chamber of Commerce for providing the liquid refreshments and handling all the administration.

We accomplished our goal in holding the mixer, letting people know we are here, and the services we offer. It was a very successful outing.