On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Vista Historical Society held its Annual Meeting at the Shadowridge Country Club. As well as having lunch the society accomplished three things, induction of nine new members into the Vista Hall of Fame, election of members to the board of directors and a talk by the society president Eleanor Hutchins on the state of the Vista Historical Society.
The meeting began with a welcome by Vista Historical Society President Eleanor Hutchins with the pledge of allegiance led by board member and Hall of Fame member Carol Herrera.
President Hutchins introduced the dignitaries in attendance including Vista Mayor John Franklin, Deputy Mayor and Council Member Katie Melendez and Council Member Dan O’Donnell, former Vista Mayors Judy Ritter and Morris Vance, and Vista Chamber CEO Rachel Beld.
The induction of new hall of fame members was overseen by the master of ceremonies T.R. Robertson. Each inductee was introduced by a representative and then spoke themselves or if they were deceased by someone else.
The first inductee honored was Barbara Mannino Harris(1950-1923) introduced by her husband Syd Harris. Speaking about her was Rita Geldert. Next Jean Cole(1937-2016) was spoken about by her daughter Tracy Lyons. Third, Jack Delpy’s(1902-1980) life was recounted by his daughter Lisa Delpy Neirotti. The next Hall of Fame Member introduced was Paul E. Dorey(1948-2022). Speaking about Paul was VID President Richard Vasquez and daughter Cindy Herreta. Next Rita Geldert was spoken about by former Vista Mayor Judy Ritter and Hall of Fame member Cathy Brendel. The remaining four new Hall of Fame Members, Neva Clement(1880-1979), Dr. J.E. Coit Phd(1880-1976), Margarita Fischer Pollard(1886-1975), and Janet Sucro(1937-2002) were introduced by Jack Larimer.
Next was the re-election of six board members for the Historical Society Board of Directors – John Aguilera, David Larkin, Alan Harvey, Pat Richardson, Russ Harvey. Anita Hutchins, Carlotta Malone and Janice Klafehn – and the election of new board member Denisse Barragan. All were unanimously elected. A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Hall of Fame member Carlotta Malone in recognition of the involvement of husband James Malone, former Historical Society Board Member and Hall of Fame member, who passed in 2023.
President Hutchins then gave a short State of the Society pointing out several upcoming Historical Society events – the Let’s Celebrate America Big Band Jazz Hall of Fame Orchestra at the Vista Historical Museum on June 29, the Ice Cream Social on July 20th at the museum, the Annual Old-Fashioned BBQ at the Museum on September 7th, and the annual Holiday Fest at the museum December 8th.