JULY 27 2019

The Vista Historical Society held its annual Ice Cream Social on Saturday, July 27. As well as the great root beer floats and ice cream, we had 13 vendors selling their wares, including our own booth staffed by Opal Sierra of This and That Events, who handles all our weddings and other private events.

We had the largest crowd we have ever had at an Ice Cream Social. They were enthusiastic and ate a lot. The museum was open from 4 to 5 p.m. and many people took advantage of it. Many thanks to our board members who helped assist, these include Acting President Terry Moxley, Michele Moxley, Carolyn Chiriboga, Sandi Graham Sharon Larimer, Spike Harvey, Eleanor Hutchins and Chuck Rabel.

Non board members helping included Louise Vandling, Janice Klafehn, Pat Richardson, Norm Halus, Anita Hutcins, and Barbara Meech. Special thanks go to the co-chairs of the event Michele Moxley and Carolyn Chiriboga.

Also thanks to Miss Pride of Vista Teen Queen Alexyss Hamilton, Allyce Calloway, and Abigail Daliot Pride of Vista Princesses, Susie Martinez, Miss Vista Princess and Valerie Shoup, Miss Teen Vista Princes.

Most of all thanks to the people who showed up to make it a successful event!


(760) 630-0444


2317 Old Foothill Dr.
Vista, CA 92084



P.O.Box 1032
Vista, CA 92085

(760) 295-9993

The Vista Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization IRS number 95-3752966